Version: 1.0
Size: 48 Mb
San Francisco Gunslinger Taxi Screen Preview
How to install San Francisco Gunslinger Taxi apk for android
- For Android 4.0 or higher:Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.
San Francisco Gunslinger Taxi Description
Taxi driver get in your cab and go to San Francisco. Become the best gunslinger taxi driver in the city. In San Francisco Gunslinger Taxi you will do taxi driver missions to earn money. You also have to defeat your competition otherwise they will defeat you.They are going to try to stop you and are very aggressive. So stand up and take your part of San Francisco in this taxi driving game. Become also the best gunslinger so the competition knows to back of.
What kind of missions can you do in San Francisco Gunslinger Taxi?
You can choose between 4 different kind of missions in this taxi driver game
•Pick up people and bring them to their destination, while your enemies will fight with you and try to stop you at the taxi stand.
•Drive around and smash people with your car
•Bomb the taxi stand of your rivals so you will get advantage because they have to repair their stand
•Steal the taxi’s of your competition and bring them to the safe spot in the city
What Makes San Francisco Gunslinger Taxi Special?
•Besides shooting rivals you also can kick really some rivals ass.
•Attack the people in the street even the friendly ones.
•Become a Taxi driver
•Buy new and better cars
•Buy or rent properties for bigger rewards
•A new kind of Taxi driving experience
•Upgrade your Taxi driver with extra armor or health for during your fights
•Fight your way to the top and beat your competition
Be the best gunslinger taxi driver in San Francisco and defeat the competition to earn a lot of money. Please let us know what you think of San Francisco Gunslinger Taxi and rate the game on Google Play.
What's new in San Francisco Gunslinger Taxi 1.0
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